Allow yourself to feel alone. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 10.2.23

Allow yourself to feel alone. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 10.2.23


Allow yourself to feel alone. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 10.2.23

Allow yourself to feel alone.

Feelings of isolation and feeling alone are 100% normal if you're trying to do  things different from the norm.

Are you someone pushing yourself to the edge? Are you someone who's self-motivated? Are you someone who's disciplined? Are you someone who has big goals?

If you answered YES to any of these, it's important to understand that you're going to go through large chunks of time when you may feel alienated or alone.

Most people just don't understand, and that's okay.

The trick? Continue doing what you're doing. If you can do that, then you remain different from the pack, and eventually you'll find the support system you need.


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