Don’t let them make your choices for you. | #TW...
Don’t let them make your choices for you. In life, in training, in relationships in anything, there are always going to be choices you will have to make. And when...
Don’t let them make your choices for you. | #TW...
Don’t let them make your choices for you. In life, in training, in relationships in anything, there are always going to be choices you will have to make. And when...
Be proud of yourself. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 12.2.24
Be proud of yourself. If you're proud of yourself, don’t let anyone tear you down for who you are or what you stand for. If you’re not proud of who...
Be proud of yourself. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 12.2.24
Be proud of yourself. If you're proud of yourself, don’t let anyone tear you down for who you are or what you stand for. If you’re not proud of who...
What kind of person do you want to be? | #TWCME...
My wife said a quote to me the other day to the effect of... "The longer you wear the mask, the more you become what the mask represents." You can...
What kind of person do you want to be? | #TWCME...
My wife said a quote to me the other day to the effect of... "The longer you wear the mask, the more you become what the mask represents." You can...
Life is short. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 11.18.24
Life is short. Take a second to be happy with what you're doing right now. Because it's going to go by fast. I haven't spoken about this much, but I...
Life is short. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 11.18.24
Life is short. Take a second to be happy with what you're doing right now. Because it's going to go by fast. I haven't spoken about this much, but I...
Give yourself the day. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 11.11.24
Give yourself the day. Appreciate the milestones. Whether that's a 4-plate bench, 2,000 pound total, 1,000 pound squat, or whatever your big milestone numbers are... take the moment. Appreciate the body...
Give yourself the day. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 11.11.24
Give yourself the day. Appreciate the milestones. Whether that's a 4-plate bench, 2,000 pound total, 1,000 pound squat, or whatever your big milestone numbers are... take the moment. Appreciate the body...
Apply new knowledge, to old lessons. | #TWCMENT...
Apply new knowledge, to old lessons What is old becomes new again. Things are cyclical. Training, fashion, music you name it. Take powerlifting. If you're having issues, go back to...
Apply new knowledge, to old lessons. | #TWCMENT...
Apply new knowledge, to old lessons What is old becomes new again. Things are cyclical. Training, fashion, music you name it. Take powerlifting. If you're having issues, go back to...