Are you just hoping? | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 8.19.24

Are you just hoping? | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 8.19.24

Are you just hoping? | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 8.19.24

Are you just hoping?

Are you just hoping that something goes right, or are you doing all the things to make sure that those things go right?

Being the powerlifter who just shows up and doesn't really have a plan, program, etc. isn't going to work out long term. Sure, you may pull together a good meet here or there, but the deck is stacked against you if this is your main strategy.

You have to do all of the things to make sure that you have the best chance for success.

Which person are you? Are you the one that's just hoping, or are you the one that's checking all the boxes?


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