Sometimes you have to let them walk in the fire. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.13.24

Sometimes you have to let them walk in the fire. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.13.24

Sometimes you have to let them walk in the fire.

This one is for the coaches...

Sometimes you have to let your lifters learn shit the hard way. As a coach, it's part of our responsibility to help expedite the process and to help your lifters get the results they want. You're there to help them avoid the mistakes you made.

BUT, there is value in letting your lifters learn stuff on their own... as long as it's safe. Bloating up too much, gear not fitting, taking too heavy of an opener, etc.

The point is to not hold too tight of a leash with your lifters. Let them learn on their own sometimes, don't try to control every single variable. 

Sometimes you have to touch the stove to find out that it's hot.


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