You can only do what you can do. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 2.17.25

You can only do what you can do. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 2.17.25

You can only do what you can do. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 2.17.25

You can only do what you can do.

I came across this clip from an old goalie coach of mine. He was talking about how you can't stop pucks when you're at home. You can't prevent or stop a goal when you're at home.

Stressing about a goal that you let in won't do anything. Stressing about a shot you haven't seen yet isn't going to do anything. The only thing you can do at home is rest & recover.

It's that age old adage... "You control what you can control."

It's simple. When you're in the gym, you can lift the weights. So focus on that. When you leave the gym, you can't lift the weights. Shift your focus to what you can do in that moment. Drinking your water, your protein shake, and your extra mobility. 

Doing those things puts you in a position to succeed over the long term.


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