Don’t throw it all away | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 6.12.23

Don’t throw it all away | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 6.12.23

Don't abandon what got you here. Stay true to your core values and what got you here. Make small adjustments when you have to, but don't throw everything out the...

Don’t throw it all away | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 6.12.23

Don't abandon what got you here. Stay true to your core values and what got you here. Make small adjustments when you have to, but don't throw everything out the...

Do it for YOU | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 6.5.23

Do it for YOU | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 6.5.23

  The person you're seeking validation from? They don't care whether you do it or don't do it.   The solution? Only seek validation from yourself. Do it for you. The...

Do it for YOU | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 6.5.23

  The person you're seeking validation from? They don't care whether you do it or don't do it.   The solution? Only seek validation from yourself. Do it for you. The...

You have to earn it. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.29.23

You have to earn it. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.29.23

You have to earn it. Guess what? You don't get respect for just showing up. It doesn't matter if it's your training, your job, or your relationships... receiving respect isn't...

You have to earn it. | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.29.23

You have to earn it. Guess what? You don't get respect for just showing up. It doesn't matter if it's your training, your job, or your relationships... receiving respect isn't...

Don’t give them the option | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.22.23

Don’t give them the option | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5...

Don't give them the option. Do you have anyone around you that's standing on the fence?  If you answered "Yes," then push them over to the other side. If they...

Don’t give them the option | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5...

Don't give them the option. Do you have anyone around you that's standing on the fence?  If you answered "Yes," then push them over to the other side. If they...

Don't Like Your Environment? Change It or Leave | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.15.23

Don't Like Your Environment? Change It or Leave...

YOU HAVE 2 OPTIONS: #1 Remove yourself from the environment OR #2 Change your environment It's simply unacceptable to stay in an environment that you don't like and are bitching...

Don't Like Your Environment? Change It or Leave...

YOU HAVE 2 OPTIONS: #1 Remove yourself from the environment OR #2 Change your environment It's simply unacceptable to stay in an environment that you don't like and are bitching...

Only Do Things You Wanna Do | #TWCMENTALMONDAY 5.1.23

Only Do Things You Wanna Do | #TWCMENTALMONDAY ...

Change your perspective and you’ll always be doing what you want. You're always going to have to do things that are difficult.You're always going to have to do things that...

Only Do Things You Wanna Do | #TWCMENTALMONDAY ...

Change your perspective and you’ll always be doing what you want. You're always going to have to do things that are difficult.You're always going to have to do things that...